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Nutless Wonders

In the Pittsburgh Zoo an idiot mother put her 2 year old on the rail of the enclosure for the African wild dogs.

The kid fell in, and was torn apart by the wild dogs.

Now I’m not even going to go into how stupid this was of the mother to do this.

What I am going to go into is how incredibly nutless the average American male is.

Now, there were all kinds of people standing around and watching this child get ripped to shreds.

NO ONE had the balls to jump in there.  It would have only taken a few guys. Or even if ONE guy jumped in there, and had the other people link their belts together to pull him and the kid back out of the enclosure.

Animals FEAR humans. Especially pissed off and adrenaline fueled humans. All it would have taken was one guy that had the guts to go in there, RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWR! at the bitches, and they’d have momentarily backed off.  They were also not true ‘wild’ animals, they were raised in captivity. I’ve roared at German Shepherds before that thought they were the shit, and they’ve backed down with their tail between their legs. And these things were not very big dogs. And I’m not some huge 225 pound musclebound jock either. It’s INTENT. The animals sense you aren’t fucking around and they back off.

They’d probably not have even messed with an adult. These animals were regularly fed. They weren’t starving or even hungry. They were playing with a new squishy chew toy that dropped in their enclosure. They would not have put up any real serious resistance to a determined foe. The problem is that people are trained to be scared of their own shadow.

The men there could have saved this boy, and all of them failed. I’d feel like a totally nutless wonder for the rest of my life if I didn’t even TRY to save a child in this situation.

The handlers called off some of the dogs, but they didn’t have the nuts to go save the child from the several remaining dogs either. A police officer who arrived ‘eventually’ shot the dog. Probably wasn’t his fault though, the handlers probably only called him after they failed to get the dogs off the kid, and by that time, he was likely already dead. Had they got the guy with the gun, or had any of these nutless wonders been carrying, they could have saved this kid. There’s a concept.  Shoot the wild fucking dogs that are eating the little boy’s face.

I guess that’s what happens when the whole public is disarmed, and raised to be cowards. They just sit there and let a boy get his face eaten off, whilst waiting for the police to arrive to do something about it.

That is what everyone is taught now. Be a ‘good’ little American. Wait for the ‘authorities’ to handle it. That’s what those folks at the zoo did.

Sheep. Every. Last. Fucking. One. Of. Them.

There’s probably some special hell for folks that just let things like this happen before their eyes and do nothing about it. In my mind they are just as guilty by their inaction, as that idiot cunt who put that little boy up on the wall. The onlookers didn’t choose to put the boy up there. But they CHOSE to stand by and do nothing and watch it happen.

All that it takes for bad things to happen, are good men and women to stand by and do NOTHING.