No Stollen for You!

So I logged on this morning and I browsed over to the blogs I follow, and read this:

Which in my not quite 100% firing brain (haven’t had my tea yet) briefly read as ‘Stollen’ before I clicked on it.

Which, as many of ye may know, is a freaking tasty German pastry. Did I mention It’s freaking tasty? Yep. Great stuff.

I was sorry to see that it was just about the Puppet in Chief and not about pastries. (I was very saddened. I’d had my heart set on pastries) 😦

Then I briefly read some of the wiki article on Stollen:

It stated that the Pope at the time, and 5 others after him, had prohibited the use of butter in the Stollen.

‘Screw that’ I said to myself out loud. Who did this stuffy, closed-minded prick think he was, the leader of the Catholic church or something? Pfft. (This is one of the many reasons that I think faith is great, but organized religion is just plain fucking stupid.)

And then I thought to myself… wait a minute. We Americans do this every moment of every day.

The overlords say jump, we as a people say ‘how high’, and on it goes.

They say we can or cannot do XYZ and we all obey out of fear of punishment. Not because we agree with it. But because we’re afraid of being ‘enforced upon’.

Can’t have that grass too high. If it’s over 8” tall, it’s ILLEGAL and in violation of City code XYZ. Even though your front yard is a natural food garden and supports more plants and wildlife than the local city park, in addition to feeding your family healthy food. Fuck that! OBEY!

Can’t grow a garden and give away produce to your neighbors to help them out during this difficult financial times, as that’s ILLEGAL under SB 510 & HR2751 the ‘Food Safety Modernization Act” Want to help your neighbors eat well? Fuck that! OBEY!

Can’t have raw organic milk, or sell it, or you’ll be flat out SWAT teamed as Rawsome food was in CA, and as the Amish are all the damn time. Can’t have you being healthy, after all. Think that you should be able to drink what you want to without the government giving you shit about it? Fuck that! OBEY!


We just bend over and give in on every little thing, because we are scared of what the shadowy overlords may do if they found out we put butter in our Stollen!

Heck raw milk on our cereal could be jail time, a fine, or worse. You may be killed in the home invasion in the zeal to get that ‘dangerous’ container of raw milk out of your fridge.

But no worries. They’re just ‘doing their job’.

It’s ‘for the children’, after all.

So after more in depth thought, I think the Saxons had it pretty easy with no butter in their Stollen compared to the crap we deal with every day. 😉

(I still would have gave the flaming middle finger to the Pope and made it anyway.)

I’m civilly disobedient like that.

Here’s a parting uncle Ted Nugent song for everyone. You’ll either love it or hate it:

“I make up my own mind, and I’ll leave you far behind. When the going gets tough, you can KISS MY ASS!”

P.S. Before anyone blows a gasket, I grew up Catholic. I had to deal with that idiotic mind-frelling freedom-sucking crap for years. I no longer follow such ridiculousness, and haven’t for many years now, after I learned to think for myself, and say… “Gee, I don’t really care what the Pope thinks, this is just really fucking stupid!”. So I have every right in the world to say ‘Fuck the Popes.’ All of them. Back to Mr. Stuffy Stollen himself, Pope Nicholas V, and onward to Mr. Ratsucker, a former Mr. Hiter Jungan himself there. (Yes, your current Pope was a Hitler Youth member. Also known as a Nazi. Have a nice day.)

If that gets anyone’s panties in a wad, then tough turkey nuggets. That’s part of a free society. The ability to vehemently disagree with things we see as utter BS, and be vocal about it without being SWAT teamed.

Posted on October 24, 2012, in Bread and Circuses, Bullshit, Liberty, Namby Pamby Land, Police State, Politics, Tyranny and tagged , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. Lol, love it.

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